I can't believe I haven't posted in this for almost 2 weeks...just goes to show how crazy this time of the year can be. Regardless, I'm finally making the time to get back into the swing of things, and hopefully I won't take any more long breaks like that!
Today, I just want to talk about my semester with you all and the typical feelings associated with not only ending a semester, but ending an entire school year. To be honest, I thought I wasn't going to like this semester that much. Almost my entire friend group is studying abroad or taking a semester off, which left me here at St. Michael's, feeling like I was a freshman all over again and trying to make new friends. I was worried I wasn't going to be able to because I was so attached to my old group of friends, but to my surprise, I was absolutely wrong.
This semester was a blessing in disguise to say the least. I've meet so many new and amazing people, put myself out there, become more active in the Founders Society as well as with the Drama Club, and taken the time to just explore what I truly wanted to do and where I wanted to be in my life. I worked up the courage to get the tattoos I always wanted (and I'm sure there are more to come), and I've established so many amazing relationships with people I'm sure I'll be friends with for years to come.
Meals with McKenzie and Maggie are always a good time. Since they were also my friends last semester, it's been nice to have them around! |
Leena and I before giving a big presentation for my Shakespeare class. She was also around last semester, but this class has definitely brought us closer! |
Zach and Kylian playing pool. I knew Zach last semester, but I met Kylian this semester - they're both pretty entertaining to say the least! |
Julia and I at the opening night of Dog Sees God last month! I'm so thankful this semester brought her into my life, she's a fantastic person. |
Kylian and I getting our smolder on. |
Zach, Michelle, Kylian, Maggie, Julia, and Meaghan all came over to my room a month or so ago to have a Bob's Burgers viewing party! It was a blast. |
Me, Ivana, and Brendan ice skating last month! Although we're all juniors, I actually only met them this semester and we've all become really close! |
Paul and I eating at Olive Garden before he stayed at my place for a couple days during spring break! It's been nice having him as well since we became friends last semester. |
Getting my third tattoo last month of my mother's birthday in roman numerals! |
Lily and I getting some free pancakes at iHop a while back! We became friends thought Paul and his girlfriend Kathryn, and we happened to have a class together as well! |
The Drama Club crew! I'm so thankful to have met all of these great people. |
Ivana, Brendan and I hitting up Burlington for some frozen yogurt at Orange Leaf! |
Callie and I at iHop! I met her through Kathryn and Lily this semester. |
Ivana being sassy after our photojournalism class! |
A picture of the entire cast of Much Ado About Nothing that some SMC students put on downtown last night! It was incredible. |
Clearly, this semester has been nothing short of amazing. While it did have its stressful and low points, those were nothing compared to all of the love I've experienced this semester from all of these incredible people.
Of course I miss my friends who are gone as well, but I don't think I would've been able to experience things quite the same if they hadn't left.
Of course there's my best friend Jesse, who took this semester off to pursue his dreams and train with the Navy. I've had so many good times with him and I can't wait until he's back! |
Cait and I last semester before going out to a friend's. She's studying abroad in Ecuador this semester! I miss her so much. |
Lauren and I last year at the Champlain Valley Fair. Hard to believe this was almost 2 years ago! She's studying abroad in Morocco currently and I definitely miss her zaniness! |
Sheila and I at the Champlain Valley Fair last year. She's currently in London studying abroad, but she's actually coming home in about a week and I'll be able to see her when she comes to move her younger sister Maggie out for the year! I can't wait. |
I'm so sorry if you read all of this because I know it's long, but this was definitely eye-opening for me to see how much has changed, how much I've grown personally, and how excited I am for my senior year at St. Michael's with both old and new friends! All it takes is putting yourself out there, and I wish I'd realized that a lot sooner.