Now that I'm back in the hustle and bustle of school after a week of literally doing almost absolutely nothing (trust me, it's hitting me hard), I find myself missing the relaxation of my home a little bit. It's funny how when you're home (or at least when I'm home), I long to be back at school keeping busy and hanging out with all of my friends, but now that I'm back, it's kind of the opposite. One thing I especially miss (or three, rather) are my dogs - being able to see them all the time, playing with them outside, and watching movies with them in the living room while they kindly offer their bodies as my pillows.
I know I've posted some pictures of them on here before so you all might have a general idea of what they look like, but for those of you who may not know, I have three amazing dogs. One is a West Highland White Terrier named Sophie who just turned 15 this past Christmas, and the other two are Kelso and Duncan: brothers who are a mix of Rottweiler and Springer. They turned 9 this past 4th of July (I know, all my animals have holiday birthdays - crazy, right?)
Kelso is up front, Duncan's in the middle, and Sophie is lounging in the back - they're all so cute! |
I took this one after watching a movie with my favorite buddy Duncan (if I had to play favorites, it would probably be him..shh!) |
It's odd and sad to think about how old they're all getting and that they might not be here within the next couple of years, so I'm really trying to soak up all the time with them that I can. Since I've had them for as long as I can remember, it's hard to think of life without them, and I hope when I'm home more this summer that I can really enjoy my time with them. It's hard for my entire family because we're all so busy now that we're older and we've moved around a lot, but I'm definitely planning on setting aside some time this summer to take them on walks around the woods, play outside, and maybe go for a drive to the beach to cool off.
These pups are one of a kind and I treasure them so much. If you've never had any animals or are thinking about getting a dog, I definitely recommend it. It's crazy how much love an animal can have for you, and how much they can help you and be there for you when you need them most.
From the dog lover to you, happy Wednesday!
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