Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring Semester Shenanigans

As promised (and a little later than I anticipated...I got a little sidetracked from a killer nap), here's a breakdown of my schedule this semester!

Management Decisions Tools - This is a required course for my business major and is essentially a class that teaches you all about excel and how to use it successfully in the business world. It's a fairly easy course if you do the homework, and I never knew excel was capable of so many things, such as entering formulas and creating graphs and charts to display your business' figures! It's first thing in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays too, which is a great way to start my day off with some ease.

Acoustical Foundations of Music - I'm taking this course to fulfill my science LSC, and so far it's actually pretty interesting! I have it right after Management Decision Tools, and so far it's consisted of a lot of introductory physics and a few labs with weights on springs to study the waves that sounds creates. It's been a bit of a challenge to remember physics (since I haven't looked at anything having to do with science since my senior year in high school...yikes!), but I'm glad I took it!

Film & History - This is one of my night classes this semester that takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We basically just watch historical movies on Tuesday nights, do some readings about them, and then come together again on Thursday and discuss everything we can possibly cover about it. I love this class because it offers me a chance to focus in on one movie and analyze everything about it, which allows me to take away a great deal more than I would just watching it.

Shakespeare Perform: on Screen - My other night class on Monday nights. Now I'm not going to lie and pretend I know everything about Shakespeare and understand everything about his works...I don't. I figured this class would be a challenge for me, but I wanted to take it so I could at least try to understand more about Shakespeare. There's also a second part of the class that allows everyone currently enrolled to travel to England for two weeks in May for another 2 credits to watch some of Shakespeare's plays being performed live, all while staying at a luxurious castle right near Stratford-Upon-Avon! I'll fill you all in on that trip a little later as the time draws nearer, but I'm so stoked for it!
Photojournalism - I saved the best for last, and I'm sure you must be thinking "what beats a trip to England?" but hear me out! This class is a requirement for my Media Studies major, but it's probably one of the most engaging and fun-filled classes I've ever taken at Saint Michael's. Professor Swope does an excellent job of getting you really interested in the material and encouraging you to get out there with your camera and shoot anything and everything, and this course has renewed my love for photography all over again! Before taking this class, I was basically just an instagram photographer at best (if you can even call it that), but I've already learned a great deal about the manual settings of a camera and how photography translates to the world of photojournalism!

Here are some of my shots I've done this semester for various projects so far:

This is a photograph of a woman named Alexa Rivera that I took for my first assignment - a daunting one requiring us to take photos of complete strangers!

 This one is from the same assignement of my friend's mother, Annette. She was all dressed up to go to a party - what a perfect time to take a portrait!

These four are from my most recent project about taking shots of the same object from different perspectives - I love the way they turned out!
Well that just about covers my schedule, stay tuned for more pictures from my photojournalism class as the assignments keep rolling in! I'll be back on Friday with something interesting I'm sure, so keep your eyes peeled!
Wishing you a fantastic rest of your week, enjoy!

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