Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Dion Family Student Center.

I feel like this is much overdue, but better late than never! Today, I thought I'd share my love of the Dion Family Student Center, a new building that was built over the past year for both additional housing and academia. I spend roughly 3/4 of my life in this building, whether it be visiting friends in their dorms or doing homework (but mostly the latter), and it's been so helpful to me in just the short time it's existed.

Let me name all the beautiful things about the Dion Family Student Center for you:

1. It's new and beautiful. I mean, I know I already covered this, but come on - it has three stories with tons of room for studying and meeting in groups, probably close to a dozen new plasma screen televisions, and a cardio workout room on the second floor. This eliminates many of the reasons to use any other building on campus (which is especially beautiful in the winter time when I'm constantly cold without even going outside) and I really really appreciate it.

2. It has a pool table. I know, Eddie's has one too, but this one is closer AND it's new, and it seems to be much more popular with everyone across campus. This pool table has revived my love of pool by making it easy to play with friends and it's convenient location (just a minute walk from my dorm in Alumni).

3. It has Einstein's! At first I was a bit skeptical of St. Michael's taking out the Knightstand (a former convenience/sales booth located in Alliot) in exchange for Einstein's, the new bagel shop they built inside the Dion Family Student Center, but I've got to say I'm already really addicted. I frequently go there for breakfast sandwiches (one of my guiltiest pleasures) and strawberry banana smoothies, and while it may not be great for my bank account, it helps me get through a long night of studying!

Here are a few photos that I will use to further express my love (photos courtesy of smcvt.edu):

First of all look how pretty it is - SO PRETTY!
The beloved Einstein's  - I call all the asiago bagels!
This is the glorious mezzanine on the third floor. It's a great place to get work done in peace and quiet (but it can get really hot that high up!) 
My favorite pool table - look how new and blue it is!
So basically, if you haven't checked out the Dion Family Student Center yet or if you want to learn more about it, definitely go exploring! It's by far my favorite building on campus, and I'm glad St. Michael's made the addition.

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