Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Free Pancake Day at iHop!

So today I actually did something eventful off campus for once and I'm super excited to write about it and share it with you all, so here let me tell you about my life!

As I'm sure many of you already know, it was National Free Pancake Day today at iHop, so my friends Paul, Kathryn (who also happens to be a fellow blogger), Lily, Callie and I decided to go there for lunch! I hardly ever go off campus to eat (which I should do so much more since Burlington is the #6 college town after all), and I had an awesome time getting some amazing free pancakes and catching up with my friends!

Lily and I after ordering our short stacks...we could hardly wait!
Paul and Kathryn showing some love. Aren't they a cute couple?
The short stacks and sausages arrived! They were FANTASTIC.
Clearly, this trip was beautiful in every sense of the word, and I definitely plan on going on more of them in the future! It's hard to get off campus as much as I'd like to with my busy schedule for sure, but I'm going to try to much more because Burlington has so much to offer and as much as I love St. Michael's, it's nice to see new and different places.

If you want to check out Kathryn's blog, here's a link! She's stellar.

Look forward to a post about new photos in my Photojournalism class this coming Friday! I've got a ton to share.


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